"One Size Fits All" logic is ineffective when it comes to beta testing. Just like a suit that needs to be tailored depending on the body, a beta strategy similarly needs to be custom-made depending on the product, company, customer, etc. Furthermore, no predefined structures or resources are available.
This blog is a step to step guide map to accomplish Beta Testing.
Step 1: Determining Plan Of Action
Step 2: Designing A Plan
Step 3: Rounding Up Testers
Step 4: Amass Distinct Evaluation
Step 5: Putting Your Evaluation To Application
Determining a strategy requires you to identify the product areas you are making a strategy for. Your strategy must be able to be tested in the time you have and have a big impact on how the customer feels. It is important to connect with the stakeholders of the product and know their priorities regarding the assessment. It is very important to follow a road map when you are deciding on a strategy. You can start off by hosting a strategy meeting where you can talk to your stakeholders about their expectations and priorities in the assessment. This will give you an idea of their expectations and help you channel your efforts in that direction. Your data will be in ruins if your testers divide their attention among different objectives. Don’t hodgepodge with the goal, as most quality insight is possible only when the focus is balanced and guided. The issues with the app will be laid bare over time.
One of the most prized possessions when it comes to Beta testing is your test plan.
It ensures that you and your stakeholders are all focused on your pre-determined goals. Make a checklist of all that you need to test your product, everything from software to hardware needs. It is crucial to plan for unexpected situations.
From mailing delays to delays in work assigned to various departments, a plan needs to be jotted down about what you’ll do in such scenarios. This can help you reduce distractions mid-test.
=> Rounding Up Testers
The first step in recruiting testers is to look for passionate aspirants who are willing to test and show genuine enthusiasm for helping you enhance your product by giving quality feedback. Steer clear of people who seem to be working for free products or incentives. Recruit testers in areas where the people you want to entice and allure spend the majority of their time. While recruiting testers, it is crucial to keep in mind that your testing unit represents your target market. So if your target market uses Android, your testing unit should emulate the same.
When gathering feedback on quality standards, there are two important goals to keep in mind.
Maintaining Participation
Collecting Feedback
In order to maintain participation, it is crucial to keep everyone on the same page.
For that, it is important to set your expectations for what, when, and how you want your feedback to be. As irrelevant as it may sound, it is very important to acknowledge the efforts of your testers. It is also very important to keep the workload of your testers in check. Don’t pile your testers up with a heavy workload.
Moving ahead with collecting feedback: It is important to segregate submissions based on the audience. For example, iOS tester feedback doesn’t work in place of Android tester feedback. It helps to highlight patterns among specific groups.
Another tip is to use forms instead of emails, as it becomes easier to funnel all your results into spreadsheets for further analysis. Last but not least, it is about prioritizing submitted feedback. Multiplying the priorities with their frequency helps you decide on high-priority feedback and work on it.
Finally, after all this hard work, it is time to put your results to use. While showing your work, it is crucial for your stakeholders to know your priorities and understand how you reached your conclusions. Rank your top issues in order of significance and back up all your points with relative data.
You can improve your results by taking advantage of free resources and taking tips from experts. Refining your process and developing your tools will also help you improve your Beta testing results. Leave your thoughts and beta testing tips in the comments section below.